Moreton Bay Regional Council
Royal Shores
Ermington, NSW
May, 2015
Flood warning system
The system features:
• A water level monitoring and telemetry station situated on the riverbank with alarm triggers set at multiple heights (alarms correspond with the varied building levels).
• The water level station delivers the current water level value to a dedicated controller in each building every 3 minutes for evaluation and warning execution. The communications between buildings is by radio with 3G redundancy.
• The system controls the operation of flood gates that, when closed, prevent floodwaters from inundating the below‐ground car parks and the possible large insurance exposure resulting from flood‐damaged vehicles.
• SMS and email alarming to the building wardens; the alarms are based on a series of flood trigger levels and rate‐of‐rise values defined for each building group.
• Integration with the fire alarm systems installed in each building group.
• Delivery of data via 3G to a dedicated web page for the monitoring of system status.
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