Cherbourg Flood Warning Siren


Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council


Cherbourg, QLD




Provide an early warning system to alert the local community of flood

How we helped

The system is designed to provide early warnings of flood, allowing for swift action to protect lives and property of Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire.

Our quality assurance

Local Buy Supplier

Local Buy helps alleviate the need for open market tenders by managing the procurement compliance burden on behalf of all Local Government agencies. All Local Buy arrangements are compliant with the Local Government Regulations 2012 and Local Government Act 2009 and provide Local Government entities with the assurance that all suppliers are vetted and compliant based on a comprehensive tender, evaluation, and approval process. Purchasing through a Local Buy prequalified supply arrangement negates the need for Councils to go through the formal tender process.

Local Government Procurement Approved Contractor

LGP is a leading procurement organisation focused on supporting all councils across NSW. LGP is a ‘prescribed entity’ under legislation which means councils using LGP contracts don’t have to go to tender for values greater than the tendering threshold, saving valuable time and resources. 

ISO 9001: 2016

Our solutions are backed by our Quality Management accreditation AS/NZS ISO 9001: 2016 – The worlds most recognised quality management system standard.This commitment to quality systems ensures our clients expectations and needs are not only met but exceeded every time.